Gaudete Sunday

We are half way through! I have a lot of the shopping done but still need to get a few gifts and this week we need to make some cookies!!! I also have a few sewing projects to do as well--want to make some gifts for friends.

The song above is one of our favorite Christmas carols. We changed the words to fit for Advent because naturally we think of it when it is Gaudete Sunday! The words of the original chorus of this medieval Christmas carol are:

Gaudete! Gaudete! Christus est natus ex Maria virgine. Gaudete!
Rejoice! Rejoice! Christ is born of the Virgin Mary. Rejoice!

For advent we changed them to:

Gaudete! Gaudete! Christus naturus ex Maria virgine. Gaudete!
Rejoice! Rejoice! Christ will be born of the Virgin Mary. Rejoice!

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